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Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot Lamp
Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot Lamp
Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot Lamp
Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot Lamp
Exo Terra

Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot Lamp

Regular price $15.00 Unit price per

Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot Lamp

The bulb emits infrared heat waves and is a typical heating lamp. The spot lamp has a special build-in reflector to direct the heat in any direction required. The red glass transmits Infrared waves produced by the special filament of the bulb. The reddish light will not disrupt normal activity during night or day, which makes it an excellent 24 hour heat source.

Giving off heat at a wavelength that your pet wont be able to see, it is extremely suitable for animals that require warmth during the night. Being unable to detect the light will not disrupt their day and night cycle. For example if you house your pet that survives within a very specific temperature range say (22 to 32 degree Celsius), and you have your air conditioning switched on at night to 18 degree Celsius, it will be perfect to have this additional heating element to bring the enclosure temperature up to make it ideal for your pet.

It can also be used for hatching chicks or ducks to simulate incubation.

- Increases the overall air temperature in the terrarium 
- Provides heat, essential for activity and digestion
- Emits infrared heat waves
- Excellent 24 hours radiant heat source
- Will not disrupt normal activity cycle
- Ideal for nocturnal viewing
- Can be combined with Daytime Heat Lamp or Night Heat Lamp for a 24-hour cycle

Suitable for:
- Reptiles
- Birds (Parrot Eggs Incubation)
- Poultry (Chicken & Ducks incubation)

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