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Marukan Eco-friendly Paper Mat - 550g / 1.1kg
Marukan Eco-friendly Paper Mat - 550g / 1.1kg
Marukan Eco-friendly Paper Mat - 550g / 1.1kg

Marukan Eco-friendly Paper Mat - 550g / 1.1kg

Regular price $14.00 Unit price per

Marukan Eco-friendly Paper Mat - 550g / 1.1kg

Marukan Eco-friendly Paper Mat is a domestic mat with less allergic reaction, easy to clean and made of pulp wood instead of recycled waste paper.

- Eco-friendly
- Less allergic reaction
- Easy to clean
- Made of pulp wood
- Available in 550g, 1.1kg

Suitable for:
- Hamsters
- Mices
- Hedgehogs
- Rats
- Rabbits
- Gerbils
- Guinea pigs
- Birds

Code for 550g:

Code for 1.1kg:

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